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ovarian cyst
Ovarian cyst is a benign formation of the ovary, is caused by the accumulation of secret in the tissues of the ovary.bIt is a cavity filled with liquid. The wall of the ovarian cyst forms a thin layer of cells that produce this liquid. If the cyst does not exert pressure on other organs, it is not touched and treated with medication, but if there is a danger of influence of cysts on neighboring organs, the puncture is performed or surgical removal is prescribed.

ovarian cyst In the category Sebaceous cysts Many people are interested in knowledge and learning about many subjects, this knowledge may be vital at some point in your life, attention enough, and dive into more detail in regards to ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cyst is a benign formation of the ovary, is caused by the accumulation of secret in the tissues of the ovary.bIt is a cavity filled with liquid. The wall of the ovarian cyst forms a thin layer of cells that produce this liquid. If the cyst does not exert pressure on other organs, it is not touched and treated with medication, but if there is a danger of influence of cysts on neighboring organs, the puncture is performed or surgical removal is prescribed.

The ovarian cyst represents a hollow formation of a small size, which is inside filled with liquid. As a rule, cysts from maturing in the ovarian follicle develop. It should be noted that most cysts are not dangerous for the health of women and often pass independently without any treatment, such cysts are called functional or temporary.

Such cysts usually appear as a result of impaired ovulation. In this case, the follicle continues to grow, and in the yellow body begins to accumulate liquid. Functional cysts pass themselves and do not require treatment. However, there are no complications, such as: Rupture of the cyst, twist, as a consequence-internal bleeding.

Abnormal cysts are the more serious pathologies requiring treatment. The main reason for the appearance of these cysts is a hormonal failure in the woman's body. Abnormal cysts are those cysts that do not pass for 3 months. Treatment of such cysts can be both medical and surgical.

Functional cyst is typical for women of reproductive age. Occurs when the hormonal system malfunctions. The types of functional cysts include follicular cyst and yellow body cyst. Every month in the ovary of each woman ripens one or more follicles. They contain an egg, which at the time of ovulation is released by the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. At the site of the follicle develops a yellow body that produces the hormones needed to maintain pregnancy. If the pregnancy is not nasupila-the yellow body disappears. The follicular cyst is formed if the follicle is ripe, but ovulation for some reason has not occurred. The single chamber follicle begins to grow and fill with liquid, thus its walls thin. If such a cyst has a small size, it can not show itself: usually such cysts find accidentally at ultrasound examination of any other organ.

Symptoms of a functional cyst

Symptoms can be considered as menstrual disorders and pain during menstruation. If the cyst reaches a large size (more than 8 cm), it is possible necrosis of the ovarian tissue or rupture of the cyst with the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity, which entails the development of the acute abdomen symptom. The yellow body cyst is manifested by the accumulation of liquid (often blood) in the cavity of the yellow body. A serious complication of such a cyst is the rupture of the ovary with bleeding, while the woman has severe pain at the bottom of the abdomen. But often such cysts remain unnoticed and do not show themselves, Rassasyvajas independently.

If the ovarian cyst has become the cause of hormonal disorders, the treatment is performed by hormonal drugs, which are selected for each patient individually. This therapy is effective in the presence of functional cysts and leads to their complete disappearance after 5-6 months, if it does not occur, the operation to remove the ovarian cyst. Therapy is usually supplemented by physiotherapy and the intake of drugs that increase immunity. Surgical intervention is also typical for the treatment of non-functional cysts. One of the most advanced surgical methods is laparoscopy.

Methods of treatment, laparoscopic method of ovarian cyst removal

Treatment of ovarian cysts includes three directions. The choice of treatment method depends on the type of cyst and the severity of the disease. For the purpose of diagnosis ultrasound is carried out, the collection of analyses, including research of the level of blood hormones.

In most cases, appoint hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy with the necessary control of the dynamics of the size of the cyst. In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, in the emergence of complications such as rupture of cysts or bleeding, the surgical treatment is shown.

Laparoscopic treatments are now widely used to preserve the unaltered ovarian tissue to maximize the reproductive potential of women.

Recovery of the body after surgery usually occurs fairly quickly. However, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and refrain from excessive stress. Often, in order to maintain the rehabilitation process, continues the treatment of hormonal drugs. Their choice and appointment is entirely consistent with the doctor.

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