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Ovarian cyst pain causes and treatment


Ovarian cyst pain causes and treatment
Any volumetric education on appendages, irrespective of its form, size, presence or absence of pain syndrome and age of the patient is a reason for careful observation and examination. Among others, the diagnosis of "ovarian cyst " is considered to be basic and always takes the first place. When preserving ovarian cysts more than two menstrual cycles.

Ovarian cyst pain causes and treatment In the category Sebaceous cysts Many people are interested in knowledge and learning about many subjects, this knowledge may be vital at some point in your life, attention enough, and dive into more detail in regards to Ovarian cyst pain causes and treatment.

Any volumetric education on appendages, irrespective of its form, size, presence or absence of pain syndrome and age of the patient is a reason for careful observation and examination. Among others, the diagnosis of "ovarian cyst " is considered to be basic and always takes the first place. When preserving ovarian cysts more than two menstrual cycles, the issue of surgical treatment and removal of this education should be immediately resolved. It is desirable that the results of the survey and observations should be backed up with ultrasound in dynamics.

The results of the ultrasound study show the follicular cyst as a rounded single-chamber formation, filled with homogeneous content and having thin walls. Most often this benign education is found in women of childbearing age.

At a diameter of up to five centimeters follicular cysts, as a rule, have no expressed symptoms and practically do not show themselves. However, if such a small cyst is hormonally active, it is quite possible to increase the overall level of estrogen and, as a consequence, the violation of menstruation, expressed in uterine bleeding in mature women or premature sex Development in girls nine to eleven years.

At the manifestation of at least one symptom, it is necessary urgently to address to the gynecologist, to pass necessary researches. As a rule, for diagnosis appoint ultrasound, which, easily detecting cystic education, gives information about its nature and size.

After the doctor, having examined the patient, and having conducted necessary researches, has diagnosed, has found out the reasons of illness, it should think over a plan of treatment. It can be medicinal or, if the first method is not sufficient at this stage, surgical.

Laparoscopy has a number of contraindications, which are necessarily taken into account by the doctor. Unfortunately, this procedure is often not carried out because of the poor equipment of hospitals, when there is no necessary facilities for it.

Another type of operation is considered classic. Laparotomy is carried out if the tumor can develop into a cancerous tumor. Also this operation is carried out at large size cysts.

Removal of the cyst occurs through a large incision in the abdominal area. After the surgery The doctor examines the tissues of the organ, if they contain metastases-secondary foci of the disease, he decides to remove the whole body.

After laparotomy the patient is under medical supervision (if there are no complications, four - five days). The recovery period is long enough: about two months a woman is contraindicated in any physical activity, sexual activity.

Cystic change of ovaries: Is it possible to get pregnant?

If a tumor on the ovaries appeared before the baby's conception, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment to eliminate the disease. As a rule, the impossibility of getting pregnant during the disease is one of his symptoms. However, sometimes pregnancy still happens. If this happens, when the cystic change of the ovaries is already developing, there is a risk for the life of mother and child.

This is because the GS of the fetus increases the pressure on all organs, which can provoke a rupture of the shell cyst and distribution of its contents. In addition, with stable growth in education, surgeries are often prescribed even in pregnancy, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

Once the cyst is completely removed, the capacity function of the woman recovers in sixty to ninety days. It is senseless and unsafe to try to conceive a child until this time.

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