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Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian cysts


Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian cysts
Ovarian cyst is most often manifested in young women. Benign tumor in the form of a bag filled with liquid-this is the ovarian cyst, which is more likely to suffer women in childbearing age and which is almost not happening at the ladies after 50 years. An ovarian cyst can be asymptomatic and sometimes found during a random examination.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian cysts In the category Sebaceous cysts Many people are interested in knowledge and learning about many subjects, this knowledge may be vital at some point in your life, attention enough, and dive into more detail in regards to Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian cysts.

Ovarian cyst is most often manifested in young women. Benign tumor in the form of a bag filled with liquid-this is the ovarian cyst, which is more likely to suffer women in childbearing age and which is almost not happening at the ladies after 50 years. An ovarian cyst can be asymptomatic and sometimes found during a random examination.

Medics distinguish several types of ovarian cysts. One of the most widespread is the functional, which can disappear by itself and does not require medical intervention-enough constant observation at the doctor. Such a cyst occurs at the beginning of menstruation, and then, torn, delivers to the woman a sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen, giving back to the waist.

The reasons for the development of ovarian cysts can be hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, and genetic predisposition, late menopause, abortion. 

For cysts there is no age limit, it can be manifested both in infancy and in the old age, but the cyst is one of the most common problems in women of the reproductive period of life.

Fortunately, most cysts do not require treatment and undergo their own for 1-3 menstrual cycles. However, all this time a woman must be under the control of a specialist to rule out the possibility of complications. If the ovarian cyst has not disappeared in 3 months, it is subject to treatment.

The causes of cystic formations of the ovaries are unknown. However, the list of factors acceleratinging their formation includes chronic inflammations in small pelvis and hormonal balance disorders. Hormonal background in women of reproductive age can be broken as a result of obesity, endocrine diseases, stress, frequent viral infections.

Ovarian cysts often appear after induced abortion and as a result of genital mutilation. Practice shows that this pathology is more common in women who have menstrual disturbances.

Diagnose the ovarian cyst and classify it should only specialist after the gynecological and ultrasound examination. Additionally, it may be necessary to analyze hormones and markers.

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